Sunday, May 13, 2012

What a great year!

It's hard to believe that our school year is coming to an end.  What a great year we've had!  Please know how much I love your children and how thankful I am for the time we've had together.  I'm sad to see them move on, but I look forward to watching them continue to learn and grow here at Trinity.  I'm so thankful to be a part of Trinity's K4 program.  It wouldn't be the success it is without wonderful families like you.  My first K4 class will always hold a special place in my heart.

I will be sending home a CD with each child this week.  It contains a slide show that I put together of some of the memories we made in K4 this year.  I hope you enjoy it!  Hopefully you will be able to view it on your computer.  Please let me know if you have any trouble viewing it.  Have a wonderful summer!


May 16, 17 - Dismiss at 11:15
May 17 - Field day/Pizza party (Please join us!  9:00-11:15)
May 17 - Last day for students 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fun with Words


We've had fun making words this week.  Our K4 class can make words with  letter vests.  They can read them too!  What a smart bunch!!  We have also been on the lookout for our  "word worm words".  We find them books, on the smart board, and all around our room.  I hope that they are finding our words when they're with you too!  Our class has been learning nursery rhymes this week.  Ask them to share a couple of them with you.  We will continue to have fun with nursery rhymes next week too.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Reading/Language Arts
-phoneme segmentation (ie. c-a-t)
-syllable counting
-decoding three-letter words

-counting sets of 10-15 objects
-combing sets of objects up to 5

-lowercase letters
-last names

-"The Rules"  (God gives Ten Commandments, Exodus 19:1-20:21) 

Important Dates:
- May 16,17 - Early dismissal - 11:15 
- May 17 - Last day of school
- May 17 - Field Day/Pizza Party
- May 16,17,18 - Used uniform sale

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fun with Nature!

What a great week!  We started with a wonderful field trip to the Lanark Nature Center on Monday.  You will see in the pictures some of the things we got to do and see.  Fishing was a BIG hit!  Many of the boys and girls caught several fish.  Check out the size of the catfish.  Thank you to all of our parent and grandparent drivers and chaperones.  We couldn't have done it without you.  You're the Best!!!   Also this week, we released our butterflies.  They were reluctant  at first, then we got to see them fly from flower to flower.  The boys and girls were so excited!  You will also see some of the activities we enjoyed along with a new favorite book, Chicks and Salsa.  We made a sombrero-wearing chick.  We also tasted chips and salsa and made a class graph of who liked it and who didn't.  K4 has been learning about Cinco de Mayo with Senora Hixon.  This was a fun activity to go along with their upcoming "fiesta".   I also wanted to remind you that May 17th is both Field Day and the last day of school.  School will dismiss at 11:15 on May 16 & 17.  I'm looking forward to these last few weeks of school.  I'm going to treasure the last couple of weeks with these precious boys and girls!  Have a great weekend!

Week of April 30-May 4:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Sight word review
-Phoneme segmentation

-Letter review

-Combing sets of objects (addition) 
-Ordering numbers

-"The Hands"  Exodus 17:8-16 (Moses needs help)

-Field day, May 17th (9:00-11:15)
-Last day of school, May 17th
-Half day, May 16th & 17th (dismiss at 11:15)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Butterfly pavilion

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our butterflies!  Each caterpillar has formed a chrysalis.  We carefully moved them into the butterfly pavilion.  Any day now we should have butterflies!  The boys and girls run to check each morning when they get to school.  I hope we are at school when they hatch so we can watch.  What a wonderful learning experience this metamorphasis has been!  I'm looking forward to our Lanark field trip coming up on Monday.   We will also be learning about weather and the four seasons this week.

Week of April 23-27

Reading/Language Arts: 
-Ending consonant sounds
-Sight words - # words one-five

-Lowercase letters

-Numerical order (what number comes next?)
-Counting sets

-The Manna - God gives people food and water in the desert.  Exodus 16:1-17:7


-Lanark trip (Monday April 23, leave by 8:15)
-Wear jeans and closed- toed shoes.  You will probably need a jacket!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Going Buggy

We visited K5 and learned a new vowel song..."Vowel Bat".

"Reading the room"

We find sight words around the room and write them.

We have gone "buggy" this week.  Our K4 class is learning about insects.  Ask your child to sing our insect song..."Head, Thorax, Abdomen."  We also have caterpillars that we are watching change into butterflies.  When we left on Friday, three of the five had formed their chrysalis.  We can't wait to see the butterflies!  We'll keep you posted.  Our K4 class is also having fun learning the vowels and their sounds.  Please have them sing "vowel bat" for you.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!   

Week of April 16 - 20

Reading/Language Arts:
-Sight word - little

-Last names
-Lowercase letters

-Review (patterns, counting, ordering numbers)

-"The Red Sea"  Exodus 14

-Lanark field trip Monday April 23 (leave by 8:15)
-Chicken biscuit sales for the March of Dimes - Friday April 20th and 27th ($3 for biscuit and a drink)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter!

Our Easter Party was GREAT!  Thank you to Jamie Johnston for hosting it at her home and to all the parents who helped out.  The weather held out for us, and the kids had a blast!  We've celebrated our risen Savior all week.  Many of our activities were related to Easter.  Our Bible lesson this week was  "The best thing about Easter."  We learned that candy, the Easter bunny, Easter egg hunts, etc. are all very fun, but the BEST thing about Easter is JESUS.  I hope that all of you enjoy a happy and blessed Easter Holiday!

Week of April 9-13

-Vowel sounds
-Blending words

-Lowercase letters
-Last names

-Counting sets up to 30
-What number comes next?

-The Plagues (Exodus 5-10)

-Field trip to Lanark Nature Center Monday April 23 (leave school by 8:15) 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happy Spring Break!

Dr. Cavanaugh at Science Fest
Relay race during Science Fest

I hope that everyone is enjoying spring break.  We have certainly been blessed with beautiful weather!  I've posted a couple of pictures from Science Fest.  These were only  two of the many fun activities.  Thank you to Rose Pendleton who helped out with the K4 activities on that day.  I would also like to thank Dr. Cavanaugh for coming to speak.  The kids loved it,  especially An Wilkes.  Next week we will celebrate with an Easter party.  The party will be on Thursday morning following our Easter chapel service.  We will leave for the party as soon as chapel is over.  If you are able to attend we would love to have you there.  I hope that all of our M,W,F students can join us that day.  They will just meet us at the party.   It will be lots of fun!

Week of April 2-5

Reading/Language Arts:
-Blending words
-Sight word review

-Lowercase letters  k,x,z
-Last names
-Number writing- 1-20

-Sorting/Graphing (with jelly beans)

-The Easter Story (Jesus is Alive!) Matthew 28

- Easter Party Thursday April 5 (at the Johnston's house)
- Good Friday- School holiday 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rockin in Our School Shoes with Eric Litwin

Please take a look at last week's blog post again.  Oops.... I failed to get the slide show on it.  It's there now.   The big event this week was a visit from Mr. Eric Litwin, author of the Pete the Cat books.  He was sooo much fun!  As we reviewed the letter "Ww" this week, we enjoyed making and eating "Wanda & Willie's waffles.  The kids really loved them.  I sent home the recipe in the binders.  They were yummy!  We celebrated two birthdays this week.  Two of our friends were born on the same day.  We are looking forward to "Science Fest" next week.  Mrs. Henderson has lots of fun things planned for us!

Week of March 19-23

Reading/Language Arts:
- Letter/sound - vowels  A,E,I,O,U 
- sound blending
- "_an" word family
- syllable counting

- Lower case letters - k,x,z
- Last names
- Numbers 1-20

- Combining sets
- Teens and Twenty's number families

- "The Plagues" (Exodus 5-10)

- Science fest - Friday March 23
- Half day - Friday March 23 ( No backpacks or snack needed)
- Spring break - March 26-30
- Easter party and egg hunt - Thursday April 5 (watch for an email from Mrs. Willcutt with details)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Whole Lot of Learning Going On!

What a busy week!  You will see that we've been comparing numbers with an alligator mouth.  He always chomps the bigger number.  We've also been comparing hieght.  We measured and graphed whether we were taller, shorter, or the same hieght as a flower that we made.  Our list of sight words is growing.  We are working on that word list as well as the "_ig" word family.  In the pictures you'll see that we practiced writing last names in shaving cream.  There is a lot of learning going on in our K4 classroom!  Next week we will continue to learn about plants.  We'll be waiting to see if the seeds that we planted sprout.  We will also continue to work on writing our last names, sight words, and review letter sounds.  Thanks to those of you who have donated items for our treasure box!  It is getting low again.  If you have items to donate we would greatly appreciate it!

Week of March 12-16:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound review - V,W,Y
-Sight word - You
-Ending sounds

-Last names
-Numbers 1-20
-Lower case letters - v,w,y

-Comparing numbers

-"The Burning Bush"  Exodus 3

-Friday March 16 - Author of Pete the Cat, Eric Litwin,visits Trinity
-Spring Break - March 26-30

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

We enjoyed reading many Dr. Seuss favorites this week in honor of his birthday.  A couple of our favorites are The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham.  We even cooked and tasted green eggs.  We made a class graph of who liked them and who didn't.  Everyone thought they were yummy!  Mrs. Gibbons third graders came to our classroom this week to share what they have learned  about the solar system.  They did a great job, and our class learned a new song about the solar system.  Next week we will learn about plants and flowers.  I'm looking forward to another fun week!

Week of March 5 - 9

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter review -  K, W, Y, U
-Blending words
-Ending sounds
-High frequency word - and   

-Lower case letters - n,m,h
-Numbers - 1-20

-Comparing numbers

-"The Basket" (The Princess finds Moses.  Exodus 1:8-2:10) 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fun With Bears!

We had a "beary" fun week!  First we all put our bears in our cave to hibernate.  There were still bears  everywhere.    We had bear activities in our reading centers!  We also practiced adding with sets of teddy grahams.  You will see the bear graph in the photos.  We graphed our favorite flavor of teddy grahams after we tasted each.  We also sorted the bears that we brought from home into "dressed" and "not dressed".  Then we created a graph with the bears.  There were more dressed bears than not.  We learned many facts about bears and hibernation too.  Finally, we celebrated our bears coming out of hibernation with a pajama party.  We all enjoyed popcorn, teddy grahams, and a movie in our pj's.  We had another treat on Friday.  Our star student, Tripp, brought everyone an italian ice from Nancy's. Yum!!!   What a great way to end a fun filled week of learning!

Week of February 27 - March 2

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - K
-Ending sounds in words

-Lower case letters - n,m,and h
-Number writing 1-20

-Combing sets of objects
-"Teen" numbers 

- "The Blessing" (Joseph's family moved to Egypt and enjoyed God's blessing.)  Genesis 45:21-49:33

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Our Busy Week

Singing at K4 Open House

What a busy week!  We had K5 testing, K4 open house, a visit to the kindergarten classes, and we ate lunch in the lunchroom.  I hope everyone saw the video that I sent of our K4 performance during K4 open house.  They did a great job singing.  I especially enjoyed the kazoos.  They loved playing them too!  Next week we will begin a unit on bears.  Make sure that your child brings a bear to school on Tuesday to hibernate for the week.  We will finish our week with a pajama party with our bears.  The boys and girls may wear their favorite pj's on Friday.  We will have a "beary" yummy snack and watch a movie.  We also have many other bear activities planned for the week.  Math, art, and learning centers will all include fun bear activities.  It should be lots of fun.  Enjoy the rest of our long weekend!

Week of February 21-24:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/sound - N
-Ending sounds
-Phoneme substitution
-Sight word - to

-Lowercase letters b,p,r
-Numbers 1-20

-Combining sets
-Ordering numbers 1-20

-"The Reunion" Genesis 42-45 (Joseph welcomes his brothers)
-Verse - "Joseph said, 'I am your brother.' "  Genesis 45:4

-Tuesday:  Bring bear
-Friday:  Pajama Party!  Wear your pj's.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine Fun

Our Valentine Party was a blast!   Jacqueline did a great job planning the party.  Thank you to all the parents who helped out.  We enjoyed valentine activities all week in art, literacy centers, and math.  You will see some of them in the photos.  Our K4 class has been working hard learning a new sight word each week.  We love to practice with our letter vests which you will see in the pictures.  Your child is probably finding these words everywhere.  They are soooo smart!   Kindergarten testing will be going on next week.  Your child will be taken out of class to test during the school day on Monday or Tuesday.  Don't forget that Friday and Monday (Feb. 17th and 20th) are school holidays.  Have a great week! 

Week of February 13-16:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound N
-Sight word - me
-Ending sounds

-Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
-Ordering #'s 1-20

-Lowercase letters b,p,r
-Number writing 1-20

-"The Dream"  Genesis 40-41
Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream.

-No school on Fri. Feb. 17 and Mon. Feb. 20

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fun With Penguins!

Fun with counting
Measuring Penguins and Graphing Height

"_at" Words
We had fun this week learning about penguins!  We had penguin activities in our centers, and learned lots of cool facts about penguins.  Did you know that they are birds but cannot fly?  Our K4 class has been doing lots of counting, measuring, and graphing this week.  We are also learning to make and read "_at" words.  Next week we will be getting ready for Valentine's Day.  Many of our activities will be related to valentine fun.  Our Valentine's Day Party will be on Friday February 10th at 2:00.  Join us if you can!  Please send your child's valentine cards before Friday.  Please do not write classmates names on your cards.  Have a great week!

Week of February 6-10:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - L
-Sight word - am
-Ending sounds
-"at" words

-Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
-Counting by 5's
-Sorting and Graphing

-Lowercase letters j,g
-Numbers writing 1-10

-"Joseph helps Potiphar"  Genesis 39:1-6
-verse:   "The Lord was with Joseph and blessed everything he did."  Genesis 39:3

-Valentine Party - Friday at 2:00
-Send 16 valentine cards before Friday
-No school on Fri. Feb. 17 and Mon. Feb. 20

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 100th Day

Our K4 class is 100 days smarter!  I can't believe it's been 100 days since school began.  We celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday.  Mrs. Tammy from the lunchroom made us a special 100th day cake.  It was yummy!  We also made a "100" mask with dot paint and sequins.  We made a paper chain with 100 links, and a snack mix with 100 pieces.  We also counted to 100 by ones, fives, and tens.  They are so smart!  You will also see some pictures from our Spanish Culture Study spotlight day.  We visited a class that performed a spanish folktale.  They transformed their classroom into a spanish theatre.  We also saw a bull fight, learned a spanish dance, and enjoyed a spanish story telling.  Hopefully you saw the video of our K4 performance of "San Fermin".  If you didn't get that email, let me know and I will resend it.  K4 did a super job!  Everyone was impressed!  Next week we will incorporate a study of penguins in with our math and literacy activities.  It will be lots of fun!

Week of January 30 - February 3

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - D
-Sight Word - Like
-Ending sounds

-Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
-#'s 1-20

-Lower case letters: - q,c,s
-Number writing 1-10

-Valentine's Party - Friday, February 10th
-Kindergarten testing for 2012-13 school year - February 13th and 14th  

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fun with Mittens!

Story time in the library with Mrs. Osmer

What a fun week!  Many of our centers and activities this week revolved around mittens.  We read Jan Brett's The Mitten.  I bet your child could tell you the story!  We played a mitten matching game.  The mittens had capital and lower case letters on them.  We also had mittens with numbers on them which we put in order from 1-10 and 10-19.  They are doing a great job learning "the teens" (10-19).  For the letter  G this week, we painted "Gertie Goose" and had lots of fun with Gold Glitter.  Next week we will continue with the mitten activities and celebrate the 100th day of school.  I'm looking forward to another week of fun!

Week of January 23-27:

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - E
-Sight word - My
-Beginning sounds 

-#'s 10-20
-Review patterns and counting

-Lower case letters - o,a,d
-Number writing - 1-8

-"The Brothers" Genesis 32-33
-Verse:  "When Esau saw Jacob, he hugged him and forgave him."  Genesis 33:4

-Book Fair - Mon.-Fri. 7:30-3:30.  Come shop with your child or send order form and money.
-100th Day of School Celebration - Wed. Jan. 25th
-Return flight from Spain - Friday

Sunday, January 15, 2012


        Flowers for our Spanish patio

Packed and ready for Spain!

Hola!  We are having fun in Spain.  We have learned our Spanish song about "the running of the bulls", made flowers for our Spanish patio, and enjoyed all the items from Spain that are on display throughout the school.  Ask your child to sing our song for you!  In addition to our study of Spain, we are very busy learning other new things.  We've been working on  a few high frequency sight words.  I've been adding a word to our list each week.  So far  the words I've introduced are:  I, the, a, see.  Our K4 boys and girls are noticing these words in print everywhere!  I'm looking forward to another week of learning and fun!

Week of January 17- 20 :

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - G
-Sight word - Go
-Beginning sounds

-Measurement (weight/volume)
-#'s 10-20

-Lower case letters - t,f,e
-Number writing - 1-6

-"The Worker" (Genesis 29-31)
-verse:  "God blessed Jacob with many flocks and children."  Genesis 30:43

-Kindergarten Open House - Thursday January 19 at 6:30

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

"H" is for Hat!
"Funny Hats"

We love our hats!

Happy New Year!  We started the new year off in K4 with lots of fun!  As you can see, we had a great time making hats for the letter "H".  We also kicked off our culture study with a  flight to Barcelona, Spain.  It was really cool!  I hope that your child was able to tell you all about it.  We are learning many things about Spain.  On the smart board, we were able to see the path our plane would take from Montgomery to Barcelona.  It's a long way!  Our class is learning a song in spanish  too.  Give us another week to work on it, then ask them to sing it for you.  K4 is looking forward to another great week in Spain!

Week of January 9-13:

-Letter/Sound - I
-Sight words - I, see, the, a
-Beginning sounds

-#'s 1-20

-Lower case letters - i,l,u
-Number writing - 1-4

-School holiday Monday January 16
-Kindergarten Open House January 19 at 6:30