Flowers for our Spanish patio
Packed and ready for Spain!
Hola! We are having fun in Spain. We have learned our Spanish song about "the running of the bulls", made flowers for our Spanish patio, and enjoyed all the items from Spain that are on display throughout the school. Ask your child to sing our song for you! In addition to our study of Spain, we are very busy learning other new things. We've been working on a few high frequency sight words. I've been adding a word to our list each week. So far the words I've introduced are: I, the, a, see. Our K4 boys and girls are noticing these words in print everywhere! I'm looking forward to another week of learning and fun!
Week of January 17- 20 :
Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - G
-Sight word - Go
-Beginning sounds
-Measurement (weight/volume)
-#'s 10-20
-Lower case letters - t,f,e
-Number writing - 1-6
-"The Worker" (Genesis 29-31)
-verse: "God blessed Jacob with many flocks and children." Genesis 30:43
-Kindergarten Open House - Thursday January 19 at 6:30