Our Easter Party was GREAT! Thank you to Jamie Johnston for hosting it at her home and to all the parents who helped out. The weather held out for us, and the kids had a blast! We've celebrated our risen Savior all week. Many of our activities were related to Easter. Our Bible lesson this week was "The best thing about Easter." We learned that candy, the Easter bunny, Easter egg hunts, etc. are all very fun, but the BEST thing about Easter is JESUS. I hope that all of you enjoy a happy and blessed Easter Holiday!
Week of April 9-13
-Vowel sounds
-Blending words
-Lowercase letters
-Last names
-Counting sets up to 30
-What number comes next?
-The Plagues (Exodus 5-10)
-Field trip to Lanark Nature Center Monday April 23 (leave school by 8:15)