Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our First Week

I'm so excited to be teaching such a sweet group of boys
and girls!  Our first week went well.  We went on a

scavenger hunt around the school and met many of our special teachers.  Next week we will continue to   learn our new routine.  I will also introduce the boys and girls to our Reading, Math, Handwriting, and Bible curriculums.   

Helpful tips and reminders:
  • Please feel free to send a light jacket or sweater for your child as it is cool in our classroom.  They may use it at rest time instead of a blanket if they get chilly.
  • Please label jackets and backpacks with your child's name.
  • I will be sending home the form about parent/student handbook.  Please read the handbook on edline, sign and return the form.  
  • Please use the carpool line for drop off and pick up.  We will be working together to make sure that your child gets loaded and unloaded safely.
Thanks for sharing your children with me.  I am so blessed!