Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving fun

What a fun week!  We finished our Indian shirts, headbands, and necklaces.  On Friday we dressed as Indians and sang our Thanksgiving songs for our friends in K5.  I hope everyone was able to see the video on my last post.  They were precious!  As you will see in our pictures, we continued to practice graphing this week as well as worked on the letters U and J.  You will also see us having fun in our learning centers around the classroom.  The favorite activity this week, however, was using the Ipads.  We were able to work on letter tracing, counting, and much more.  Now that we have access to the Ipads, we will be incorporating them into our learning each week.  We are thrilled to have them!!!  When we return to school we will begin the Christmas season with a "Gingerbread and Candy Cane" unit.  Many of our math, phonics, and art activities will involve gingerbread men and candy canes.  It should be lots of fun!    I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  We are so blessed!  Enjoy your week!

Week of November 28 - December 2:  "Gingerbread and Candy Canes"

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - V
-Beginning sounds
-Counting syllables

-#'s 11-14
-Counting by 5's
-Making patterns

-Review letters V,W

- Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:19-34)
-Verse- "Esau didn't care about God's special plans for him."  Genesis 25:34b

Friday, November 18, 2011

K4 Thanksgiving Celebration

Thanksgiving Program 2011

Click on the picture above to see our sweet little Indians singing to the K5 classes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"C" is for Cupcakes

We are having a great time learning about the Pilgrims, Indians, and the Mayflower.  We've been talking about the first Thanksgiving and about being thankful.  Our class made Pilgrims and Indians that you will see in this week's pictures.  We also "tea dyed" t-shirts to prepare to make Indian shirts next week.  You will also see in our pictures that we had fun learning about the letter "C" with cupcakes.  We painted cupcakes with "puffy pink paint".  We also made cupcakes in our classroom with Mrs. Loard's cupcake maker.  It was fun to decorate them with frosting and sprinkles.  They were delicious!  Our K4 class took advantage of the nice weather this week and practiced writing Y and Z outdoors with side walk chalk.  We also practiced sorting and graphing with gummy bears.  As you can see we have had a fun and busy week!

Week of November 14 - 18

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - Q
-Counting syllables 
-Identifying beginning sounds in familiar words

-Letters - U,J

-#'s 12,13

-"The Bride"  Isaac Marries Rebekah (Genesis 24)
-Verse: "Isaac married Rebekah and he loved her."  Genesis 24:67

-Please send shoe box items by Wednesday.
-Please send treasure box items.
-No school next week (Nov. 21-25)...Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Busy in K4

We've had another busy week of learning and fun in K4!  In the pictures you will see that our class got to visit the 7th graders and hear all about their project for Bible class.  They showed us their models of Noah's Ark as well as paintings and computer presentations of the Creation.  We knew all about Noah's Ark and the Creation from our K4 Bible stories.  We also had fun with estimating and graphing this week.  Look for the pictures of our Skittles graphing...Yum!  You will see our visitors from Operation Christmas Child too.  They shared  some pictures and video of the children who receive the shoe boxes, as well as some ideas about what to put in them.  We are very excited about packing our shoe boxes.  I hope that you and your child will enjoy shopping for these items.  Hopefully it will be a learning experience for them too.  Thanks for your help with this project!

Week of November 7-10

Reading/Language Arts:
-Letter/Sound - C
-Beginning sounds in words we know

-Review patterns and graphing
-# 12

-Letters Y,Z

- "The Baby" (Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7)
- Bible Verse:  "Sarah and Abraham had baby Isaac, just as God had promised."  Genesis 21:2

-Shoe box items due by Wed. Nov.16 (begin sending at any time)
-Found a small red fleece with no name
-No school this Friday Nov. 11
-Please return any overdue library books